How to Recognize a Great IT Company for You

How can someone who just graduated from college, eager for life, experiences, and freedom, find their first job in an IT company that will fulfill their every expectation and wish?
And how about a person with 10-15 years of experience, with their CV which both allows them to work anywhere in the world and get another job “5 minutes” after deciding it's time for a change.
How can they find a company which suits them?
The days of scanning jobs through advertisements in newspapers, as we know, are long gone, and the internet has transformed the job search process, allowing applicants to look for positions worldwide with just a few mouse clicks.
Although searching for work on the internet can be daunting, talents should concentrate on reliable employment boards that post vacant opportunities with well-known IT companies.
Roango simplifies the application process and makes it incredibly easy to sign up for free and fill in info about your professional experience, expertise, and other important information. Talents on Roango can check out the suggested openings that match their requirements or search through all openings.
So, how can you recognize a great IT company?
Qualities of a Great Workplace
“What characteristics distinguish a company as a great place to work?” - is a frequently asked question by talents seeking their work designation and prospective companies recognizing a growing movement in their sector from profitability to personability.
There are several questions you as a talent need to ask yourself when looking for a new job:
- Do the organization's values match yours?
- Is the company culture a good fit for you?
- Are the members of the team individuals you'd like to work with?
- Will you be given the opportunity to learn?
- Is there room for advancement within the company?
- Will your managers make you feel valued?
- Is there stability at the company?
- Is the company preparing you for success?
- Will your job give you skills that you can use elsewhere?
- Will you feel positively challenged?
Luckily, Roango can help you with this: once you create a profile and add information about yourself, under Openings, you’ll be able to find the 10 top openings Roango has matched with your profile based on your skills, experience, and company culture. And don’t worry, your profile won’t be visible to companies via search - they’ll be able to see your profile only if you choose so when you apply to an opening. We call it stealth mode.
Companies are also aware of the ever-increasing need for workplace talent satisfaction. With that in mind, we will single out characteristics worth noticing and embracing as best practices.
They are the deciding factor between a successful company on its road to success and one that is struggling to stay afloat.
Leadership Is Active and Involved
Talents are more likely to support the company's goals when leaders demonstrate that they understand what's going on in their business and hold themselves to the same standard as everyone else.
It is also one of the characteristics of a competent manager.
Great leaders demonstrate what they teach while taking a firm stand on issues affecting their community.
Leadership in their own business should be committed to increasing participation, being attentive to suggestions and problems, and advocating a positive company culture.
Communication Is Crucial
If you ask talents what characteristics make the company a great workplace, communication always stands at the top of the list. Effective workplace communication refers to establishing and sustaining a pleasant working environment. In addition to bringing talents and management together around shared objectives, open and timely communication fosters reciprocal transparency and confidence. It also helps with avoiding confusion and creates accountability.
Companies that conduct frequent engagement surveys create a channel of communication that is advantageous to all parties. Surveys enable management to initiate crucial dialogues that could otherwise go unnoticed while allowing talents to voice their issues and feel heard. Leaders who are looking out for the best interests of their talents are often a key in talent making a choice whether to apply for the job or not.
Risks and Opportunities Are Recognized by Leadership
No organization is flawless. Recognizing flaws and obtaining a clear perspective on talent engagement enable a company to actively establish a company culture that corresponds with its values and goals.
Great workplaces use talent feedback to understand better what makes a workplace great and identify areas where more effort is needed to bring positive change. It is frequently transparency in this respect that distinguishes a great workplace from a deceptive and stagnant one in the eyes of top personnel.
Success Necessitates Innovation
Any successful business relies on innovation. Innovation maintains a company at the top of its game, allowing it to exercise its competitive muscles and take pleasure in its work.
Talents are also inspired by innovation to accomplish outstanding job and contribute to the more significant benefit of the company.
Talents with great success and experience routinely state that demanding and meaningful work is the number one trait they desire in a career. Great companies realize the value of keeping talents' work interesting, exciting, challenging, and meaningful.
Development and Health Are Both Being Invested In
Great companies engage in training and development for their talents to help them enhance their skills and abilities. They prioritize learning and support by offering various training and professional development programs.
They also sincerely care about the well-being of their staff. They provide wellness alternatives that assist talents in developing healthy living practices and a variety of perks that promote health and personal welfare.
- Look for the companies who serve the community
Successful companies influence and contribute back to their local community. They not only generously provide their resources to the community but also serve their communities by assisting those in need and volunteering their time.
- Find a company that nurtures a healthy company culture
Company Culture as a Crucial Element
Finally, a healthy company culture is probably the most important.
Here, the corporate values and practices are constantly demonstrated across a business. In addition, such companies think of their talent’s well-being, ability to function effectively and adapt to changes, opportunities for growth, and effective use of resources.
People desire to work in a healthy company culture, and all companies aspire to preserve a healthy working environment.
Talents' engagement, communication, and trust are continually developed in great companies with a satisfied workforce.
When work is both gratifying and challenging, you, as a talent, should search for methods to improve because you care about your team and the goals you are attempting to achieve.
Leaders actively involve more talents in healthy company cultures in making important decisions. They are not threatened by scrutiny, input, or success of others. They value employee feedback and continuous learning. Problems are addressed freely, openly, and without fear of repercussions.
Furthermore, talents feel appreciated as the most crucial resource when appropriately compensated, the company invests in their performance, and executives are devoted to making it a fantastic workplace.
Organizational change does not inspire fear in a healthy work environment like elsewhere. Talents are well-informed in advance, trust their leaders, are asked for feedback on changes that affect their job, and understand why the changes are taking place.
As insignificant as it may appear, talents at healthy workplace companies are known to greet one another happily at work and look forward to spending time together.
Smiling also corresponds to the saying, "a happy worker is a productive worker."
Companies with a positive company culture and a strong talent value proposition have an easier time attracting top talents. Then, of course, the word gets out, and talent referrals grow, but Roango allows you to know this information about the company from the start, and if you don't like someone's company culture, you won’t apply to their opening.

Last but Not Least
There is no secret recipe for creating a great workplace; these are only a few of the numerous characteristics that successful companies appear to have.
Talents should look for companies striving to keep their talents as long as possible within the company and remember the fundamental requirements of the company set by that company itself.
They should also consider companies with workplaces possessing less typical characteristics for the most acceptable retention benefits. Among them is a sense of belonging, community, purpose, enjoyment, flexibility, empathy for burnout, individualized management, a learning culture, and innovative methods to show talent appreciation.
While no workplace is perfect, many companies try to be and come close to being genuinely outstanding workplaces, so when you as a talent on Roango find the best IT company and job opening, click on “Start Application” and let your new life journey begin.