Hiring Insights 5 Steps on How to Attract Gen Z Candidates to Your Company In 7 years, Generation Z will make up about 30% of the workforce. 1990 wasn’t 10 years ago. Despite the fact that this temporal distortion seems to be shared among the millennials and previous generations, 1990 was over twenty years ago, and some of those “kids” born in 1997
Hiring Insights The Importance of Positive Onboarding Experiences for Company Success Standard onboarding training yields a 50% employee retention rate HR experts say that it takes at least three months for a new employee to learn the ropes and start feeling at ease at the workplace. And how long does a typical onboarding period last? Only 7 days, reports say. Although
Hiring Insights The Role of Candidate Feedback in Refining Your Selection Process How candidate feedback can be a game-changer in refining your recruitment strategy Sir Richard Branson, the mastermind behind Virgin Group—a conglomerate spanning 35 countries—once famously said, 'Take care of your employees, and they'll take care of your business.' With decades of business experience, Branson&
Hiring Insights 5 Best Practices for Sourcing Passive Candidates Research showed that only 15.2% of respondents are actively looking for a job. So, what’s with the 84.8%? Such candidates, those who aren’t actively looking for a new job opportunity, are called passive candidates. To get back to our question, some of that 84.8% are
Hiring Insights Encouraging Employee Referrals as a Source of New Hires 88% of employers find referrals the top source for exceptional applicants. There are numerous reasons why this source is so highly regarded among HR professionals. Let's take a look at all the statistics from this insightful article on Medium - we can conclude that referred candidates are more
Hiring Insights Nurturing Transparent Communication: Honesty as the Best Policy ⅔ of managers are uncomfortable communicating with employees Although an average person might think that managers don’t have a reason to feel uncomfortable talking to their employees, if you are someone working in the HR department, you know this is not true. And no, as you already know, it’s
Hiring Insights Step Up Your Hiring Game: Discover How Assessments Can Help You Find the Perfect Candidate Figure out how different types of assessments can make your recruiting process more efficient and find the perfect match.
Hiring Insights How To Leverage Social Media for Candidate Outreach Maximize recruitment with social media: showcase employer branding, widen reach, and target specific demographics. Combine platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for optimal results.
Hiring Insights 5 Steps for Effective Inclusive Hiring Attract Exceptional Talent: The Importance of Inclusive Hiring What’s the first thing you think about when you hear the word “inclusivity” in relation to hiring? Is it disabilities or perhaps a more modern term, pronouns? We can put lots of different labels but what it boils down to is
Hiring Insights Make the Most Out of Your Company Profile Attract the best talent with your company profile. From essential sections to the full profile in 6 steps. Before we start, it’s worth mentioning that our support team is ready to help out with filling out your company profile at your request. It’s your show. Let’s see
Hiring Insights Why Implementing Feedforward in Your Business Is Such a Great Idea A detailed look at feedback and feedforward, an examination of their advantages and disadvantages, and how to choose what to use in your talent development. What is feedforward, besides a very awkward word to pronounce? To put it simply, it's a talent evaluation process focused more on future
Hiring Insights The Good and The Bad Sides of Working From Home The benefits and downsides of working from home. Lately, working from home has become quite a trend, and since the Covid-19 crisis brought an entirely new set of rules, this practice didn't solely become a trend, but a permanent working arrangement for some companies. Working from home highly
Hiring Insights The Screening Process: Reference Check Getting to know candidates benefits your hiring process While hiring your future talents, you want to make sure to hire the right person for your company. One of the logical steps that imposes itself as a starting point is to do the screening of your candidates. Screening is a quite
Hiring Insights HR Trends in 2022 You Need to Keep an Eye on 9 HR trends that might impact your company in 2022 2021 was a strange year in more ways than one. But it was also a year of growth for HR practices which led to many new company successes. Companies continued to adapt to changing business environments and increased challenges. But,
Hiring Insights 4 Types of Company Culture: Where Does Your Company Fit In? Nowadays talent often looks for a place to belong Company culture is essential for any company looking to grow and prosper in today’s market. Especially in the technology industries, skilled people are looking for a place to belong and feel comfortable. We talked more about company culture in our
Hiring Insights What Do Millennials Want and Why Should Companies Care? Happy millennials make happy companies. IT companies are faced with a flux of talents of similar age, widely known as millennials. This generation is well-known for preferring a specific working policy that among other characteristics, includes creativity, cultural innovations, their refusal to obey typical authorities, and their love for doing
Hiring Insights What Talents Want to Know About Your Company Hire the right talent by recognizing their needs. The Internet is overflowed with articles about what companies want from their future talent or what the potential talent needs to be careful about before being interviewed for a job. Also, there are more than a thousand tips and tricks oriented solely
Hiring Insights What Is Functional Job Analysis and How Does It Work? Understanding job requirements ensures a better match between a company and a talent. Employees are the most valuable resource in any company. Therefore, it is vital to assign the right person to every job position to maximize the benefit for the company while ensuring the continued growth of the talents.
Hiring Insights What Is an ATS and Why Should You Use It? A brief overview of ATS and their benefits in company hiring process. Do you find it challenging to find suitable employees? New technology and the increasing complexity of the job market make it a slow and arduous process. And the fast pace of life today does not make it any
Hiring Insights How to Nurture a Positive Company Culture Overview of company culture and the benefit of having positive company culture. The corporate world is as varied as the people who form it. Different personalities, attitudes, and goals all shape the environment of a company. With time, this mix becomes a sort of personality for the company itself. Basically,
Hiring Insights Should You Use Personality Tests in Your Hiring Process? Overview on the use of personality tests in the hiring process. There are many ways to determine if a potential recruit will be a good fit for the company or not. But here, we will be focusing on one specific tool that can make the hiring decision easier - personality
Hiring Insights What Is Equal Employment Opportunity and Why It Matters? 💡Overview of Equal Employment Opportunity, and the benefits of properly implementing it in any company. We’ve come a long way as a society in treating and choosing employees, and we strive for fairness and merit-based treatment in the workplace. The Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) idea has arisen as the
Hiring Insights The Importance of Building a Great Company Culture Happy talents are the best marketing for a company. Company culture can be defined as the values, ideals, talent attitudes, and business goals that make up the company. In a nutshell, company culture defines the company's identity. We talked more about it in our other blog post, How
Hiring Insights Biases in the Recruitment Process and How to Avoid Them Recognize bias and decide to react differently. Whoever says he or she has never been professionally biased, they are lying - at least to themselves. We are biased in plenty of areas of life: music, art, movies, food, brands, etc. But we are not supposed to be biased when it